Weactis I

Featured picture : credit goes to Criswea!!.

– Name : Weactis I

– Creator : Criswea!!

– Length :  28 cm

– Weight :  ?g (On the heavyer side)

Insert : No

– Weblink : Criswea!!’s video tutorial

– Difficulty : Medium

– Stuff :

(This list is only for 1 mod)
– 2 Factis BM2(Body)
– 2 Pilot Dr.GRIP(Tips)
– 2 Dong-a Anyball(Grips)
– 2 Zebra Hyperjell (grip)
– 1 Giotto Turbo Maxi(Body)
– 1 0.6/0.7 cm of any grip (For the center part)
2 Comssa (Body)

– Tutorial :

1- Dissasemble the Factis BM2 Barrels and cut the sections with stripes.

2- Dissasemble the Giotto Turbo Maxi, then cut the front. After that, cut the body in half.

3- Cut your Hyperjell grip in half.

4- Add tape to both Dr.Grip tip until both fit perfectly inside the Giotto Turbo Maxi barrel.

5- Put the Anyball grip on the Giotto Turbo Maxi barrel, then add one half of Hyperjell grip. Repeat on the other side.

6- Cut 4cm from the thinner side of Comssa barrel, add 0.6/0.7 cm of any grip on the center (Criswea!! used Signo dx).

7- Cut 2x ~3/4 cm of Comssa barrel.

8- Sand half of both ~3/4 cm of Comssa barrel.

9- Put the sanded part of Comssa barrel inside the Factis and add tape on the other half.

10- Connect the Giotto Turbo Maxi barrel onto the comssa body, repeat for the other side

11- Connect the 4cm of comssa barrel (the one with the grip on top) to the remaining parts of Factis BM2


– Comment :
The Weactis I mod is one of the few 2p1h mods. The mod is optimised for it, Criswea!! said that he was able to perform tricks with that mod that he couldn’t do with his other mod. He copied RPD’s combo for Shiori with it.

(It should be noted that the picture used uses different grips.)

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