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About Us

TheSpyre was founded in the late 2000s (2008 exactly) by Near, an old French penmodder. He also was the owner of the biggest french blog of penmodding tutorials, before moving on this website.
In 2009, Near hosted the PenModding World Tournament. He also edited two important official collaboration videos : FPSB 9th and FPSB 10th.

In 2011, Vôre-Tèx, took back the website and is still managing TheSpyre.

In March 2019, we changed the address of thespyre to penmodding.pm and also changed the theme for a better browsing.

TheSpyre’s goal is to gather as many pen modding tutorials, advices and techniques as possible. It gathers now more than 300 articles but, there are still a lot missing…

Now (09/2019), our team is composed of 6 actives and qualified penmodders : 50snakes, Mango, Mina, Pops, Frost and Vôre-Tèx.
A lot of people worked hard before for the website : Eternal, Feuille, Yaemgo, Taeko, Tchiken, Metronic, Zeta and more…

TheSpyre is a knowledge database made by the community for the community.

If you want to belong to the team, please contact privately Vôre-Tèx.


TheSpyre’s Penmods – For everyone.

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