– Weblink : Clyde’s GDocs Post Hi. Here’s a list of backplug subs for the Marvy Art Directors I have tried so far. Marvy is rare, so being the stubborn as hell modder that I am, I did not allow it to discourage me from building Venus Gospel. I. TABLE II. PICTURES (From
Hello! Welcome to my personal grip cutting tutorial that I hope will last for years to come. Hopefully many questions will clear up, if you have tips your self please add me on discord @ Skadi Sama#4298 and let me know if you have suggestions or tips. Moving along, the
Cutting barrels for a pen to shorten the length to fit your hand is a required skill when pen modding. Here are 3 different tools that are the most optimal a pipe cutter, more recently famous within the last few years. there are flaws with using a pipe cutter though
Here’s a few techniques that people have used in modding when stacking tips. When you are on a budget and want to try different pens but cannot buy every tip many times this guide should help. Here I will tell you all the pros and cons to each from my
Credit goes to TEK for the featured picture. This is a technique popularized by TEK. You can use this technique for any mod that uses a 0.9cm-1cm thickness body : – Com.Ssa – Bellcolor Mod – BusterCYL – and so on – Stuff needed : – 2 Super Tips (
The X-Acto is the most used knife to make grips cut, because it is of great precision. It allows for specific reasons, so if you want to get cut in the grips is essential. You can find it between 4 and 9$ in your favorite stationery, normally. Dr.Tiki of NEPTUNE The grips
Bon voila je veux pas dire, mais je dis quand même, que le PenSpinning ne se limite pas au moddage ( bien que je pense que vous l’aviez compris <.< ) Voici donc une liste de sites à connaître : TUTORIAUX DE TRICKS : – Penspitrick, by $weety ( Tutos
J’ai mis cette image car je la trouve jolie xD Voici une liste d’abréviations que l’on peut rencontrer partout, et qui concerne uniquement les mods et ce qui y touche. Mx = MaXimum Vx = Vortex Cx = ? VH = Very Heavy (Très Lourd) VL = Variable Length (Longueur