Featured picture: credit goes to Joey.
– Name : F.G.S
– Creator : Joey
– Length : 19.8 cm
– Weight : 15.22 g
– Insert : Yes
– Weblink : Link from taco
– Difficulty :
– Stuff :
– Tutorial :
1- Prepare two inserts, one 9.6 cm x 2.5 cm and one 3 cm x 2.7 cm (one part of the 9.6 cm x 2.5 cm insert wont be seen)
2- Disassemble your Signo DX completely and put the 9.6 cm x 2.5 cm insert in the barrel
3- Cut off the domed part of the Signo backplug, and cut off the front part of the Signo barrel (the screw thread portion) (the Signo barrel plastic is rather brittle, use something like a saw to cut the barrel without cracking it too much)
4- Cut the rear G2 barrel to 3 cm from the screw thread end, and sand down the front of the Signo barrel until the G2 barrel can fit on it with an insert. Then, wrap the other insert on the front of the Signo barrel and slide the G2 barrel over the barrel.
5- Clean out the ink of the G2 and Signo DX inktubes (or completely finish using them) and disassemble the inktubes
6- Cut the front barrel of the G2 to 2.5 cm from the screw thread
7- Sand down the raised part of the G2 front barrel and the raised part of the Signo screw thread portion
8- Cut the Signo inktube from the back to 1.7~1.75cm and the G2 inktube to 2.4 cm (cut the inktubes from the back) and plug the plastic stopper back in
Then, prepare the parts as shown
9- Wrap some tape around the front of the Signo inktube, then plug the Signo inktube into the G2 inktube
10- Add some tape on the G2 inktube and slide the G2 front barrel part onto the inktube, then screw the Signo tip back onto the Signo screw thread portion
11- Slide the cut Signo backplug onto the G2 nib as shown (it will be plugged back into the Signo barrel later, so place it where the cut end is facing the tip)
12- Plug the assembly into the Signo barrel as shown (this will be the “front” of the pen)
13- Prepare the following parts as shown: (Smooth part of G2 grip, G2 clicker, spring and inktube, and the metal nibs of the two inktubes, and your Frixion Colors)
14- Fully disassemble the Frixion Colors and the cap, and keep these parts: (the white piece is from the tip of the Frixion Colors)
15- Sand or file down the edge on the Frixion Colors plug as shown
16- Cut the Frixion plug to 2.5 cm from the base, and then cut off the tip with the plastic piece attached as shown)
17- Cut off or sand off the nub at the side of the Frixion Colors cap, then plug in the leftover G2 inktube as shown
18- Cut off the G2 inktube, then place the inktube cover back into the inktube that is inside the Frixion Colors cap
19- Cut the G2 clicker to 1 cm as shown:
20- Place the cut clicker into the Frixion Colors cap as shown:
21- Drill a small hole into the Frixion Colors plastic piece. The assembly is as shown:
G2 metal ink nib < Frixion Colors plastic piece with a hole drilled into it < Frixion Colors plastic nib < Signo metal ink nib
22- Cut the G2 spring in half as shown:
23- Firstly, place one half of the spring onto the Frixion Colors rubber nub (refer to the blue one)
Then, place the other half of the spring onto the spring that is on the nub as shown (refer to the pink one)
24- Combine the pieces as shown: Cut Frixion Colors plug > spring and nub assembly > nib assembly into the cap
Smooth portion of G2 grip on the cap
25- Place the grips onto the front of the pen (arrange it to your liking)
– Comment :
Another really complicated pen with a really clever construction from Joey, this pen really makes the most out of all the pens used. I’d say that this is a pen that can really test your modding skill due to the challenge involved, and it is also a relatively cheap pen to make, only using three pens that are also relatively easy to find.