– Name : Leku’s HGG Mod
– Creator : Lekunga
– Length : 20 cm
– Weight : 14 g
– Insert : Yes
– Link : No link
– Modding : Difficult
– Pens list :
– 4 HGG (2 Grips + 4 Tips + 1BackTap + 1 Body )
– 1 G2 ( Back part + Grip )
– Tutorial :
1- Take the back of your G2, remove the retractable system, the clip and the ring that held the body. Cut 6.3 cm of the body from the back of G2 (cut the thread and you have the right size), file any imperfections.
2- Attach an HGG tip above the HGG tip on the HGG body.
3- Cut HGG grips as your wish (for a total of 5 cm) and put them in place of the original HGG grip. Then place the grip of HGG and G2 over the end of the grip.
4- Attach the two HGG tips together and fasten them to HGG backcap with scotch tape. Place this part at the back of the body of G2 (must bring on the inside of a inktube help if necessary) and hide the non-aesthetic part with a bit of G2 grip .
5- Put inserts.
6- Assemble the two parts of the body and enjoy your new mod.
– Comment :
A nice short mod, not a lot of pens to use, with a good twirling effect.
Pimp my mod by Hybria:
c’est quoi cette copie de mon pimp my mod? :O
Hybrya jure qu’il n’a pas fait exprès de copier ton “pimp my mod” xD
Il s’en ai rendu compte qu’à la fin de son moddage ^^