Credit goes to Vôre-Tèx for the featured picture.
– Name : Key3 G3 Mod
– Creator : Key3
– Length : 20 cm
– Weight : 14 g
– Insert : Yes
– Link : Key3 G3 Mod
– Making : Easy
– Pens list :
– 1 G3 Plastic (barrel, tip, grip)
– 1 Signo Dx (tip, grip)
– 2 HGG (2 tips)
– 1 Zebra Hyper Jell (cap, grip)
– 1 Zebra Tapliclip (grip)
– Tutorial :
1- Remove G3 grip and file the bump and the littles squarres of G3 body.
Put tips like on the picture. (HGG tip=> G3 plastic tip => Signo tip)

Put tips like on the picture. (HGG tip=> G3 plastic tip => Signo tip)
Put G3 grip above tips.

Put G3 grip above tips.
Add 1cm of G3 grip in order to hide the HGG tip. Add 1cm of Hyper jell grip in front of the G3 followed by a whole Signo grip

Add 1cm of G3 grip in order to hide the HGG tip. Add 1cm of Hyper jell grip in front of the G3 followed by a whole Signo grip
Put HGG tip and Tapliclip grip into the cap and add adhesive tape or chatterton on the back of G3 body. Assemble it.

Put HGG tip and Tapliclip grip into the cap and add adhesive tape or chatterton on the back of G3 body. Assemble it.
– Comment :
As information, Key3 won FYI, to win the Japanese PenSpinning championship, which is not nothing. Nice mod.
As information, Key3 won FYI, to win the Japanese PenSpinning championship, which is not nothing. Nice mod.
– Video :
Key3 Solo Video :
J’ai le Key3G3Mod… Il est génial… Rien a ajouter ^^
tu n’aurai pas une photo du zebra tapiclip stp ?
merci d’avance ^^
J’ai cherché =)
J’ai cherché =/
J’ai rien trouvé =($
lien du zebra taliclip
Lien dead. Dommage. zebra tapli clip
slt a tous , je deteste les mods qui on tun cas selement d’un coté mais je vais men faire un can meme , histoire de tester ,je vous demande votre avis sur le meilleur mods qui nas qun suel bouchon de ce site please merci a tous davance ^^
escusez moi g oubliez de precisser je chercher le meilleur mod qui n’as q’un cap mais dont le matos peut se trouver en france
merci ‘again’ d’avance^^
c’est compliqué ^^
ca depend de tes gouts regarde bien les caractéristiques de chaques stylos et essaye de les tester aux meetings pres de chez toi ^^
le revolution mx² ou rmx² est pas mal je crois ^^
Near a mon avis de devrai mettre une photo des couleur original des mods