
Featured picture : credit goes to Hybrya

–  Name : Impact’Gel

Creator : Hybrya

– Length :  19 cm

Weight :  19 g

Insert: Yes

Link : Impact Gel (FPSB)

Difficulty : Hard

Stuff :

– 1 Gel’7 ( Barrel )
– 1 Uniball Signo ( Tip )
– 1 Impact RT ( Grip )
– 1 Pilot G1 ( Inktube + Tip )
– 1 Pilot  G2 ( Grip )
– 2 RSVP ( Grips )
– 2 HGG (2 Grips, 1 Tip)
– 1 Inkgel ( Cap )
– 1 Flexgrip Elite ( Tip )

Tutorial :


1- Take your two HGG grips and grip RSVP, and cut into washers that are installed on the grip of Gel’7 (see link).

2- Cut 6 other streaks HGG RSVP and 3 (same as the first!). Then cut to 1.5 cm HGG grip and place the various parties as follows: The tip of signo to the grip, leaving the party conical, the tip of G1 in the other side of the grip, almost fully depressed (you need only the raised portion comes out, the base of the tip); Place three striations (HGG-RSVP-HGG) at the front side of the tip of signo.

3- Take your HGG tip and screw it on the front of Gel’7.

4-Place the grip of impact at the front of Gel’7, and mounting G1-Signo-Grips in the grip of Impact.


1- Remove clip of Inkgel cap.

2- Take the back of your G2. Cut it at about the middle.

3- Take the stripes of HGG and RSVP & put grips on the cap of this way: G2-HGG-RSVP-HGG-G2.

4- Take unused RSVP grip and cut a piece of 2.1 cm.

5- Take your ink of G1 and Flexgrip Elite tip. Cut a piece of 2.6 cm from the tube and Now press it into the tips of G1, forcing up, then put the grip over.

6- Insert the assembly obtained in the course of inkgel (tip down toward the cap).
7- Remove the backcap of Gel’7 body and put in place a few rounds of tape. Above, you put a streak of HGG – 1 RSVP – 1 HGG.

8- Put an insert.

9- Put the cap on the ridges. The inktube have come to wedge into the hole Gel’7.


Comment :
A mod with a spin is quite unusual but still very enjoyable. It is both small and relatively heavy, and the body also has a good weight and nice texture (Gel’7).

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