Buster CYL rétractable

Credit goes to Vôre-Tèx for the featured picture.

Name : Buster CYL retractable

Creator : Vôre-Tèx

Length : As a buser cyl normal.

Weight : 22 g

– Outsert : No

– Link : BCYL retractable (upsb)

Difficulty : A bit hard

Stuff :

– 2 Zebra Airfit (2 tips, 1 grip)
– 2 Dong_a (caps)
– 1 Crayola Supertip (Barrel)
– 1 Bic Ecolution rt / Bic clic stic rt (barrel, inktube, clicker)
– 1 Flexgrip Ultra / Zebra Airfit (inktube)
– 1 Zebra airfit spring 

Tutorial :

1- Empty one Dong_a cap.

2- Cut the grip of your Airfit in half. Put grips and tips on caps.

3- Cut the back of the body of your bic clic stic so that it fits in the cap of your dong_a (which is not hollowed).

4- Put tape on the black tip of the knob and clicker tape (white if you get a BusterCYL white, black if you get a black BusterCYL etc..) On the tip of the body of your bic clic stic.

5- Empty your Crayola Supertip body and remove the cap + mine. Push what you got in the previous step in the back of your body Supertip. When you go to head to the tip of the body of your bic clic stic, should the latter can not move and when you remove the cap, it is necessary that the shrinkage mechanism remains in the body of Supertip.

6- Prepare your inktube: take your Flexgrip Ultra inktube / Airfit inktube and expand it with a piece of your inktube bic clic stic with tape or chatterton to make it 15 cm. (Yes, my rule is ugly and worn out 🙁 )

7- Put your inktube of 15cm in the body of your Supertip with spring. Then place the cap on your dong_a emptied in front of Supertip.

8- And, place the last cap of the dong_a on the back of your mod 🙂 .

Comment :
Here’s one a way of modding a retractable CYL Buster :). The only con is to remove the back cap if youw ant to write :/  May be very heavy for some (especially for me ^ ^ “) because of the mechanism. And of course, it is balanced 😉

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  1. avatar

    Ahaha ;D
    G² tout de meme ;p

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