Credit goes to purplet for the featured picture.
– Name : RSVP HJSB
– Creator : purplet
– Length : 21 cm
– Weight: 18.5 g
– Insert : Yes
– Link : RSVP HJSB (GPC)
– Modding : Medium/Hard
– Pens :
– 1 HyperJell (cap + inktube)
– Tutorial :
1- Cut the two first strips of the Anyball grip together (beginning at the larger end). Then cut a 3rd one alone. Cut two strips of the Grip Matic’s grip, then cut half a strip of the same grip. Then cut the HGG grip’s lip.
2- Remove the M&M backplug. Starting from the backplug, cut 5cm off of the M&M body. Around one of the edges, put a 1.9cm strip of electrical tape. Cut another 1.8cm piece off of the M&M body.
3- Cut 1 cm of the HyperJell inktube. Cut and file the HyperJell cap’s clip.
4- Empty the RSVP, put an insert, and put back the backcap.
5- Unscrew the 2 Signo tips and the HGG tip.
6- Cut the Signo Broad cap at about 3.3 cm.
Modding :
7- Put one Anyball strip on the Electrical tape part around the M&M body.
8- Put this part on the RSVP front.
9- Put the HyperJell inktube part into a Signo tip. Then put it onto the M&M body (same body part as the previous step).
10- Put the 3.3 cm Signo Broad cap part onto the M&M body and then put the two Grip Matic grip strips on the Signo tip.
11- Then add the Anyball grip strips as shown on the picture.
12- Take the second Signo tip, put the HGG grip’s lip on it (yellow on the picture), then a strip of the Grip Matic grip (black on the picture).
13- Take the HyperJell cap, put the Signo tip into it, then put the HGG tip inside the 1.8 cm M&M body part, then put all of this inside the HyperJell cap. Then put the the half strip of the Grip Matic grip.
14- Add a HGG grip strip on the RSVP backcap, then put the HyperJell cap on the RSVP backcap.
– Comment : This mod had a big success on the GPC. Great aesthetics. It’s balanced and great to spin. It’s less expensive than it looks like. With your stuff and your will, you’ll be able to make a beautiful mod, made in Germany !
Je l’ai fait aujourd’hui =)
Il est inouï! Je keaf le beef!! Je rentre des double bust, trick que je maîtrise pas avec un buster, loul =)
Je le conseille vraiment!
Super mod SC parfaitement équilibré si bien moddé avec un look d’enfer !
Je recommande aux amateurs de double cap voulant essayer les SC (avis perso)…
C’est quoi cette horreur de rêve?
Il est trop beau OO
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